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MAHC advocates on behalf of its members primarily by educating State Legislators on the importance of high quality affordable housing options and the great need for affordable housing across the State.  Our Legislative Committee carefully monitors proposed legislation each year, and we alert our members when any proposed legislation comes up that might affect their business.  We also work hard to protect vital affordable housing program funding made available through the State budget each year including Rental Housing Works, Rental Housing Programs, Energy Programs, and other funds administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development that provide financial resources for the construction or rehabilitation of affordable rental housing.

Our primary advocacy event is Housing Day, which is held in Annapolis each February and draws over 200 affordable rental housing advocates together at the State capital to show our legislators that not only is affordable housing important, but that housing creates jobs and contributes to Maryland’s economy.  During Housing Day, we hear from our Legislative Leaders in the House and Senate, inform our members of the legislative priorities and any challenges we are facing for the year, and then prepare our members to go meet individually with their Legislators.  In 2020, we held over 50 meetings with Legislators on Housing Day!

MAHC also belongs to several National Associations, including the National Housing and Rehabilitation Association (NH&RA), the National Leased Housing Association (NLHA), and the National Low Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC), and through these partners we monitor federal legislation and HUD appropriations bills.  We reach out to our Senators and Congressmen whenever necessary to ensure that federal resources for affordable housing are also protected each year.  As a National Low Income Housing Coalition State Partner, MAHC works with other advocates across the country on common goals.  We keep our members informed of what is happening in Washington and alert them when they need to take action.  

If you want to get involved with MAHC Legislative efforts or learn more, please contact us.

©  2015 - 2025 Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition
1212 York Road, Suite C 300
Lutherville, MD 21093

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