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January Brown Bag Lunch

  • January 10, 2018
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • BRHP, 20 S. Charles Street, Suite 800, Baltimore, MD 21201


Registration is closed

Join us for the January Brown Bag Lunch which will immediately follow Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership's (BRHP's) 10:00 am pre-proposal conference at their office for their currently open Request for Qualifications for BRHP Developer Partners.

Our noon meeting, also at BRHP's office, will feature the similar-but-distinct Baltimore Regional Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program, which is seeking input for an upcoming 2018 request for proposals (RFP). (You can see the closed 2017 RFP here.) Like the BRHP program, the Regional PBV Program also has an emphasis on high opportunity areas in the Baltimore region. Unlike BRHP's program, however, the Regional PBV Program is coordinated by the Baltimore Metropolitan Council and includes six Baltimore-area public housing authorities (PHAs) and BRHP as partners. The participating PHAs contribute vouchers that can be used throughout their combined area (excluding only Carroll and Queen Anne's Counties in the Baltimore region). 

MAHC will provide drinks and desserts, so bring your lunch and come learn more about funding opportunities available through BRHP & BMC.  Feel free to come at 10am to attend both sessions, or join us at 12pm just for the second session.

1212 York Road, Suite C 300
Lutherville, MD 21093

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