While we cannot gather in Annapolis this year (due to construction of the new DLS building there is no meeting space available in the legislature), we will meet virtually to hear from key legislators and to ask them to invest more of the state's historic budget surplus in affordable housing. The Rental Housing Works (RHW) and Rental Housing Program (RHP) programs have continued to help Maryland recover from the economic crisis and brought additional jobs and much needed affordable housing to the State, but the pipeline of projects is still long. We need to urge the Legislature to substantially increase the DHCD Capital Budget. Affordable housing provides Maryland residents with a safe place to live and raise their families, and it creates jobs for Marylanders. A large scale investment of additional capital funding will help clear the pipeline and allow DHCD to continue processing applications and meet the housing needs of all Marylanders.
Join us on Zoom for Housing Day to learn about important legislative initiatives and show our legislators that rental housing matters!
**We will also conduct individual County delegation meetings IN PERSON on February 16, 2023 so please also join us in Annapolis to meet with your legislators. If you would like to join any meetings with individual Legislators, please sign up for a County delegation group, and we will forward you the meeting schedule so you can plan your visit to Annapolis. This is our first time conducting meetings in person in three years, so we are excited to go visit Legislators in their offices to share stories of our important work and ask for their support for affordable housing funding.
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