No tickets will be sold at the door
MAHC Annual Membership Meeting
November 6, 2023
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
The Hotel at Arundel Preserve
7795 Arundel Mills Blvd., Hanover, MD
Join us for the Annual Membership Meeting to learn about important industry and policy updates that impact your business in Maryland. There will be two panel discussions focused on the role of State and Local Governments in creating and preserving affordable housing, moderated by MAHC Lobbyist and Land Use attorney Tom Coale. We will hear from DHCD Secretary Jake Day, provide a preview of the 2024 Legislative Session and our Legislative priorities, present the annual Housing Awards, and give you plenty of time for networking. Don't miss our largest event of the year!
Panel One:
Howard County Executive Calvin Ball
Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater
Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr.
Panel Two:
MaCO Associate Policy Director Dominic Butchko
DHCD Secretary Jacob Day
Greater Greater Washington Policy Director Dan Reed
Hotel Room Booking Link